Monday, April 13, 2009
S60 Mania: Free Download Source
You may found most all links from this site lead you to go there as I know that a movement need notification. Thanks for all visitors
Best Regards, Author
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Predator Vamped Sysiconz Pack for s60
This is the best one of Predator family. You'll see your s60 phones have new look with purple color but elegant. You must install this on your s60v1 mobile.
Download Predator Vamped Sysiconz Pack here
Don't forget to install Sysiconz before
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Predator Matrix Sysiconz Pack for s60
There are two Predator which gives you the best icons. They are Predator Matrix and Predator Vamped. I was so happy installed this Sysiconz Pack to my phone, It's very awesome.
Download Predator Matrix Sysiconz Pack here
Don't forget to install Sysiconz beforePredator Iced Sysiconz Pack for s60
Another Predator is the dark blue one, that is Predator Iced. But when I installed it, I was disappointed because it looks too bad. Well, I just want to share it with you.
Download Predator Iced Sysiconz Pack here
Don't forget to install Sysiconz beforePredator Dawn Sysiconz Pack for s60
Predator Dawn is one of Sysiconz Pack from Predator family. It would give you new tasty icons as it looks dark but glowing. You should check it out!
Download Predator Dawn Sysiconz Pack here
Don't forget to install Sysiconz beforeWednesday, January 7, 2009
Predator Blooded Sysiconz Pack for S60
Just like Kardinated Sysiconz family, there are another families of Sysiconz Pack. After you knew Kardinated Sysiconz Pack family, here is Predator Sysiconz Pack family. One of its part is Predator Blooded which give you a blooded icons taste. You have to check it out for your new icons' taste.
Download Predator Blooded Sysiconz Pack here
Don't forget to install Sysiconz beforeTuesday, January 6, 2009
Kid Stuff Sysiconz Pack for S60
This is one of Sysiconz Pack which gives you cute icons. Although it looks too cartoon but overall it's good and not too bored to see. Overall I call this "Cute Icons"
Download Kid Stuff Sysiconz Pack here
Don't forget to install Sysiconz before
Symbian Freaks Techno font
This Techno font is almost similar with Robotic font, but it has only a bit difference. But however you'll get a new flavor for your s60phones.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Symbian Freak Robotic font for S60phones
Same as Comic font, this font is created by Symbian Freaks too. But you'll see a new taste as it present to you using Robotic font
Symbian Freak Comic font for S60phones
This is an application which created by Symbian freak and allows you to change your S60 phones' default font into Comic font as in PC. All font type in your phone's menu will be replaced by Comic-font type
Symbian Freak Snowy font for S60phones
This font type would give you cold taste on your mobiles. As its font type get snowy. Different from another font type, it's more unique font
Download SF Snowy font hereSunday, January 4, 2009
Chronicles Of Wings: S60v2 Theme for TRC-fans
This theme is for s60v2 phones, I created it because I'm one of this Manga fans. So, for you whom is TRC-fans or CLAMP-fans, you should have this theme on your S60v2 phones. But if you dislike it, don't be angry ^_^
SPlus Fake Sounds: Reason to reject unwanted Calls
SPlus Fake Sounds is an application which has a function to present background sounds during your call. It's very useful for you who gets an unwanted call such call from your rival or your girlfriends. It looks like an ordinary application since there are many applications which has the same functions. But you should try this one.
It's only compatible with s60v3
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Kardinated Sky Sysiconz Pack for S60
For me, this is the best one from Kardinated Sysiconz Pack family. It looks very nice.
Download Kardinated Sky Sysiconz Pack here
Don't forget to install Sysiconz before
Kardinated Ruby Sysiconz Pack for S60
This is one of Kardinated Sysiconz Pack family. It has same icons like its family, the difference only its color. This one give you Ruby color
Download Kardinated Ruby Sysiconz Pack hereDon't forget to install Sysiconz before
Friday, January 2, 2009
Kardinated Jade Sysiconz Pack for S60
It's only has one different from Kardinated Ambar Sysiconz Pack, its color, but give you Emerald color
Download Kardinated Jade Sysiconz Pack here
Don't forget to install Sysiconz before
Kardinated Ambar Sysiconz Pack for S60
This give you more courageous icons to your phones. Mostly it's good to be seen, although it looks old too
Download Kardinated Ambar Sysiconz Pack hereDon't forget to install Sysiconz before
Fun Icon Sysiconz Pack for S60
This Sysiconz Pack will give you more cartoon icons. It's so funny icons, I apply this Sysiconz Pack to my phone (^_^)
Download Fun Icon Sysiconz Pack hereDon't forget to install Sysiconz before
Final Disorder Sysiconz Pack for S60
It's good icons don't you? Although mostly square form but it's nice too
Download Final Disorder Sysiconz Pack here
Don't forget to install Sysiconz before
Citrus Zone Sysiconz Pack for S60
This Sysiconz Pack would give you a fresh color icons and more spirit icons
Download Citrus Zone Sysiconz Pack hereDon't forget to install Sysiconz before
Blue Marine Sysiconz Pack for S60
This is one of all Sysiconz Packs for you to install. It would give you more tasty icons
Download Blue Marine Sysiconz Pack here
Don't forget to install Sysiconz before
Sysiconz: Must-Have application for S60v1
Although this application is too old and I'm late to write this article, I believe that there are still many S60v1 phones' users who exist. So, I dedicate this article for anyone who still using S60v1 phones.
Sysiconz, the most important, very useful, and must-have application for all S60v1 owners to install it on your mobiles. Now, you don't have to worry or even you don't have to jealous with S60v2 and S60v3 owners because they have 'Theme' menu on their phones to personalize their phone's appearances. Instead, now you-S60v1 users-able to make them-s60v2 and s60v3 owners-jealousy to you, because of the unique of this application.
Since you have installed Sysicon Pack, this application able to change all your phone's icons, and make them looks more uniquely. But based on my experience,
- Don't install sysicon packs too much because when you run sysicon application, it would run slower
- This application can run on s60v2 phones too, it's just for you whom still disappointed by Theme menu or also for you whom is greedy (^_^)
- Don't install Sysicon on your phone memory, install this application on your memory card as it need a lot of memory space for its sysicon pack
- Sysicon Pack is the pack contains icons to replace the default icon, so you have to install it too on your phone to make a changing.
- This is not recommended for Nokia 7650 although it's an S60v1 phones. I give this statement because Nokia 7650 has no memory card, otherwise this application needs a lot of memory space
Remember S60v1 phones are Nokia NGage, Nokia NGageQD, Nokia 3650, Nokia 3660